
Program at a glance

The 1st International Conference of Asian Dysphagia Society
Venue: Suwon Convention Center, Korea

Date / Time November 10 (Fri), 2023
Hall A [Convention Hall 2]
November 10 (Fri), 2023
Hall B [Convention Hall 3]
08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-10:30 Plenary Session 2 
[Current state and perspectives of dysphagia management in Asia]
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:00 Oral Presentation 3 Oral Presentation 4
12:00-12:30 Poster Presentation 2
[Hall C (304+305+306)]
12:30-13:30 Luncheon Symposium
13:30-15:00 Plenary Session 3 
[Imaging technology for dysphagia evaluation and treatment]
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-17:00 Parallel Session 3
[Surgical treatment of dysphagia]
Parallel Session 4
[Updates of dysphagia rehabilitation]
17:00-17:30 Annual Business Meeting of KDS [Convention Hall 2]
17:30-19:00 Gala Dinner [Convention Hall 1]